
you've reached alexis

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I want to start exploring the digital gutter again, make weird things, cool things, shit things. Things I can pretend are art and give it all away for free if I can. A pay it forward thank you to the weird and wonderful internet people who raised me without knowing it.

But a digital gutter rat cannot survive on digital pizza alone! I live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne (AU) and actively looking for folk who are interested in creativity of all kinds: coding, art, music, interactive poetry, prose, and games. Creating tools or finding tech that actually makes our lives easier and better instead of chasing solutions in search of problems.

I want to build meaningful community and think it's more important than ever to start locally, blend the digital with the physical, try and figure out together how to make it as safe and fun for as many people as possible! If you're interested send me contact me by email or anywhere else you can find me. I'm hoping to start a Melbourne Creative Coding group sometime this year!